How Has Age Changed Your Perspectives?

Regardless of your age today, as you go through your life change is inevitable.  Sometimes it is for the better and sometimes not.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about life’s stages and phases and how they can alter one’s perspective on life itself and on those you care for.  For a full transcript, click here: LL55-How has your perspective changed with age?pdf

When there is another

In this episode, Alvean and Doug take on a fraught subject, how to navigate a relationship when there is a 3rd party involved.  It could be an ex, a sibling or family member, even a child from an earlier marriage. Whoever that person is, there is a very good chance things won’t end well, unless of course both partners work through the situation with emotional maturity. To find out more listen now or get a full transcript here: LL54-You, Me and ………

What Men Rarely Say

In contrast to women who tend to be more emotionally accessible, men can appear to be opaque or unfeeling.  The truth is that though they may not say what they are feeling most men are not immune to feelings.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore the hidden dimension of masculine emotional life and off some insights into how best to create an open dialog that is rich in emotional context.  For a full transcript, click here; LL53-What men rarely say but often feel

Are there any good …out there?

It’s a phrase you may have heard from friends or even wondered yourself, are there any good men/women out there? The answer is unquestionably yes but you may be creating obstacles to finding them.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about some of the self defeating behaviors that get in our way from time to time and cause us to feel as if everything is stacked against us. For a full transcript, click here: LL52-Are there any good men or women out there?

Breaking Up

It is indeed the hardest thing to do, even and especially if there are good reasons to do so.  Some try ghosting, or manufactured arguments as a way to unwind a relationship but both approaches violate trust–the essence of any good relationship in the first place. In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about ways in which you can exit a relationship that isn’t working while respecting your former partner, allowing you both to gain closure and move on with your lives. For a complete transcript, click here: LL51-Breaking Up

And Baby Makes Three

The birth of your firstborn can be a wonderful blessing but it also changes many dynamics in a relationship.  Navigating the early days of parenthood to say nothing of the challenges to your health, sleep, and romantic life can add an unwelcome burden.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss the real world implications and offer some strategies for a graceful and mature transition.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL50-And Baby Makes Three

Toxic Families

Families can be a wonderful source of support and nurture but sometimes they can be downright toxic to a relationship.  In this episode Alvean and Doug talk about the latter and how couples can address the challenge of family members that create unhealthy drama.  For moer, and a full transcript, click here: LL49 -Toxic Families

Does Age Matter?

In this episode Alvean and Doug talk about the question of age differences in a relationship.  Alvean is in her 40’s and Doug in his 70’s which gives them both a unique perspective on this question.  Can May/December unions really work?  Tune into this episode to hear what they have to say and get a full transcript here: LL48-Does Age Matter?

Getting What You Want

Getting what you want in life and in your relationships shouldn’t be a struggle or a win/lose battle. In fact, getting what you want is all about understanding what your requirements are for fulfillment and happiness and communicating those effectively to your partner.  It is not a negotiation or a battle you seek but a reciprocal accommodation that will further both your own desires and your partner’s. In this episode, Alvean and Doug offer some strategies for achieving this blissful state of being.  For a full transcript, click here: LL47-Getting What You Want

Friends and Family

When there are issues in a relationship or challenges that must be navigated it is often the case that one or the other partner will turn to friends or family to act as counselors.  It is one of the worst things one can do to maintain trust and avoid unending reprecussions.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug offer real life stories and advice about how to handle differences and avoid the trap of making family and friends into therapists or umpires. For a full transcript, click here: LL-46 Friends and Family as Counselors