Monthly Archives: May 2020


One of the most corrosive and difficult emotions to overcome, Jealousy can be the seed of disunion in any relationship. Where does this emotion come from and how can we learn to control it?  Alvean and Doug discuss the green eyed demon and strategies for unwinding this destructive emotion.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL22-Jealousy

Getting Back Together

Is it possible for two people who have parted to reunite successfully, or is that only in the movies?  Alvean and Doug talk from their personal and professional experience about the enduring power of attraction and the issue of timing and personal, emotional maturity as it bears on the question.  For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL21-Getting Back with Your Ex

Vindictive Exes

How is it possible that two people who have at one time felt what they expressed as love toward one another can, at a later date, undertake the worst of offenses against their former partner.  How does love become hate, and how can you find the strength to take the high road in dealing with this behavior?  Alvean and Doug talk about ways to protect oneself but also about the power of forgiveness.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL20-Vindictive Ex’s


There is an old saying that you cannot know another person until you have walked in their shoes.  It is another way of saying that empathy is the necessary first step in forming any kind of relationship, much less one that is loving. Alvean and Doug discuss the ways in which we as partners, parents and lovers must find and cultivate our expression of empathy.  For a full transcript, click here: LL19-Empathy is a Lost Virtue

The power of vulnerability

Much of the time men and women seek to protect themselves from unwanted pain and rejection by hardening their outer self.  We learn early that to remain vulnerable opens us to opportunities for many kinds of abuse, and yet to form any durable relationship at all, we must make that leap.  Alvean and Doug talk about the power that comes when we lose or fear of being vulnerable.  A complete transcript of the episode can be found here: LL18-Vulnerability