Monthly Archives: May 2024

Can Love Heal?

We read about heartbreak, and may have suffered it ourselves.  There is medical evidence that heartbreak can lead to poor health, even death, but is the opposite also true, can love heal?  In this episode Alvean and Doug, joined by a special guest discuss the facts and the truth about the healing power of Love. For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL28-Can Love Heal?

Can you love two people?

Songs have been written about it –it’s not an uncommon question. What to do when you find yourself attracted to two different people at the same time.  How do you resolve this dilemma?  In this episode, Alvean and Doug offer their life experience and wisdom on the subject and suggest some paths to resolution.  For more, and a full transcript, click here: LL27-Can you love two people equally?

It is all about me

Some people are the main character of every scene in their lives. It is all about them and the rest of us are just supporting characters in their play.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug offer their thoughts on how best to navigate  should you find yourself in the presence of someone with these characteristics. For a complete trascript of the episode, click here: LL26-It is all about me