Monthly Archives: December 2021

Staying Positive in a Negative World

Let’s be honest, our world is full of negative emotions and ideas these days.  Whether it is health, money, politics or religion there are plenty of issues that divide us and can make us feel hopeless or tear at the foundations of our relationships.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss ways in which one can remain optimistic and positive–growing closer rather than further apart.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL38-Staying Positive in a Negative World

The Art of Persuasion

Getting what you want or need–or seeking compromise requires that one learns the fine art of persuasion. Often couples are not clear about how to negotiate and persuade, instead relying on coercion, emotional blackmail or other negative tactics that ultimately erode  the footings of their relationship.  Alvean and Doug talk about how to unlearn this negative behavior and learn how to reach accord,  For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL37-The Art of Persuasion

Tune In or Tune Out

The practice of active listening is an essential ingredient in a successful relationship.  Sometimes we don’t hear what a partner is really saying, other times we consciously tune it out.  Alvean and Doug talk about the ways in which we can learn to be an active listener and when to listen versus when to talk.  For more about this episode, you can find a full transcript here: LL36-Listening-Tune in or Tune out