Moving In Together

That important moment where one of you moves in with the other can be a wonderful next step in your relationship or lead to difficulties down the road–even your eventual break up.  Knowing how and when to make that move is critical.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore the ways you can ensure a smooth transition and how to avoid the pitfalls of living with another person–even and especially one you love. For a full transcript, click here:  63-Moving In Together

Love Languages

Perhaps you have heard about love languages before.  In case you haven’t it is a way of characterizing the ways in which we express our feelings for another and how they show theirs to us.  Are you someone that delights in doing nice things for your SO, or do you prefer tangible gifts?  Alvean and Doug talk about the various ways in which we express our love and how to help align with your mate’s love language. For more and a full transcript:66-The Love Languages click here:

What is your ideal mate?

Most of us have a preconceived idea of what kind of person would be our ideal mate–but often we settle for someone quite different.  Are our projections unrealistic or do we find that what we thought might be essential isn’t really that important?  To find answers to these and other questions about realtionships listen to this episode of LoveLife or read the attached transcript: LL62-Your ideal mate

How good a friend are you?

In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore the meaning of true friendship.  Are friends always honest with one another, and, if so, how does one navigate hurt feelings?  Do friends allow themselves to get involved in other relationships?  Are friends allowed to be jealous?   Answers to these and other questions can be found in this transcript:  LL61-Are you a good friend?  and in the following episode

The Marriage Use By Date

Folk wisdom suggests that once you pass a certain age marriage becomes less and less realistic.  But folk wisdom isn’t always true and what once may have been the case is no longer.  Alvean and Doug talk about age as a factor in marriage including age differences and how best to address them.  For more, and a full transcript, click here:LL58-Is there a use by date….

Your Biggest Regrets

Whatever your age there is a very good possibility that you have accumulated a few regrets, things done or left undone that you wish you could change.  Left unchecked those regrets can become a corrosive force in your life and in your relationships.  Alvean and Doug talk frankly about their own challenges and offer advice on how to move forward in an affirming way.  For a complete transcript, click here:LL57-Your Biggest Regrets

Children From Another Relationship

When two people begin a relationship that involves children from a prior marriage or partnership things can easily become highly charged.  Co-parenting is a frequently cited challenge for new couples and unless it is carefully navigated can bring about heartbreaking consequences for all.  Alvean and Doug take on this difficult subject in this episode and offer some insights into how best to ensure that couples act in their own best interests and those of their children.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL56-Relating to children from a prior relationship