The Power of Vulnerability

Too often our life experiences harden us and create boundaries that prevent us from having a fulfilling relationship.  In this episode, Alvaen and Doug discuss the power of opening ourselves to others, being vulnerable to pain or hurt but also open to true love and deep emotional bonds.  For a full transcript of the episode, click here: LL18-Vulnerability

Wisdom found in pain

No one wishes to be in emotional pain but it happens to most of us at some point.  While it may not seem so at the time, pain can bring with it a healing power–wisdom–that helps us avoid the circumstances that led to our hurt in the first place.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about how we confront ourselves and learn to separate the pain from the lesson.  For more and a full transcript, click here:LL16

Lies we tell ourselves

The easiest person to deceive is ourselves.  Whether out of a misplaced sense of self protection, and inability to face reality, or avoid pain, we are accomplished liars when it comes to certain parts of our life.  It is, however, extremely unhealthy and in the end self destructive.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss the ways in which we can learn to face the truth, accept ourselves, flaws and all, and take decisive action to free ourselves from self imposed limitations. For more, and a full transcript, click here: LL15

Getting Over Heartbreak

It has happened to most of at least once, our hearts have been broken in the wake of a breakup, infidelity, or another violation of the all important trust partners must have in one another. In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about self nurture–the tools that are available to us to heal our hurt and rebuild our sense of self esteem and wholeness. For more, and a full transcript, click here: LL14

Can you prevent cheating?

Last week Alvean and Doug talked about the fallout from infidelity and the path to rapproachment. In this episode they talk about the ways in which couples can prevent infidelity in the first place.  Alvean illustrates the dry grass principle that sets up the environment in which emotional estrangement provides a fertile atmosphere for cheating.  For more, and a complete transcript, click here: LL13

Infidelity–can love survive

It is one of the most devastating things that can happen in a relationship–when one partner is unfaithful.  While most often this violation of trust results in an end to the relationship, or a divorce it is possible to rebuild the foundations if both partners are committed to the long and transparent journey.  Alvean and Doug take on this difficult topic in today’s episode with some surprising takes on how love can triumph. For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL12

Across cultures

Realtionships can be hard enough without the challenges of navigating two different cultures.  They can also be fantastic and rewarding–but that requires emotional insight, tact, and patience to achieve.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug offer some thoughts on cross cultural relationships and how to cultivate the right frame of mind for the couple and their families and friends.  For more and a full transcript, click here: LL10