Empathy is a Lost Virtue

Those who lack empathy or have lost it, are without one of the most powerful of human capacities and one that is essential to loving oneself and others.  Alvean and Doug talk about the power of empathy and how to find it in your life.  A full transcript of the episode can be found here:LL19-Empathy is a Lost Virtue

The Power of Vulnerability

At some point in our lives we have all felt vulnerable.  Sometimes we see this as a negative thing and yet it can also be a gateway to relationships that take us beyond our expectations.  Doug & Alvean talk about why and when we feel vulnerable and how that emotion can make us stronger and more fulfilled.  A complete transcript of the episode can be found here:LL18-Vulnerability

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

When it comes to our feelings, we can be cunning at telling ourselves lies.  Doug & Alvean explore the ways in which we set out to fool ourselves and sometimes succeed.  How does the remembrance of pain shape our future dealings, and how do we set ourselves up for unhappiness by lying to our conscious selves?  For a full transcript of the show, click here:LL15