The Best Way to Say Goodbye

As the song says, breaking up is hard to do.  But is doesn’t have to be scorched earth.  Sometimes relationships stall–or just don’t work for one reason or another.  The key to a successful breakup is to avoid anger and a violation of trust. And yes, there are such things as a successful parting of the ways, one in which neither of you is scarred forever. Alvean and Doug talk about how to love and respect yourself and your partner even as you go your separate ways.  For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL06

The Power of Vulnerability

Particularly for men, but certainly for most of us being vulnerable is a hard thing to do.  No one wants to be hurt.  Is it possible to remain open and vulnerable without exposing yourself to devastating pain?  Doug and Alvean discuss the rewards of vulnerability and ways that we can show our inmost selves without losing our selves.  A full transcript of this episode can be found here: LL18-Vulnerability

Getting Back Together

Sometimes couples break apart and cannot move on–either because their bond is strong enough to bring them back together or they have become co-dependent. Should you go back to your ex?  Is it possible to make things work after a breakup?  Alvean and Doug explore these questions and more in this episode.  For a full transcript, click here: LL21-Getting Back with Your Ex

Lies We Tell Ourselves

It is one thing to put on a persona for the outside world, yet another to lie to ourselves.  What happens when we deceive ourselves?  How can we face our own reality with courage and by doing so make a radical change for the better?  Doug and Alvean explore the lies we tell ourselves and the ways we can detect and avoid self deception.  For a transcript of this episode click here: LL15

Moving In Together

One of the pivotal moments in any new relationship comes when you make the decision to live together. It can stress the relationship or be an exciting step for couples but how you choose to go about it will make the difference.  In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new shows, they talk about strategies for assuring a positive experience.  For a full transcript of this episode, click here:63-Moving In Together

Love Languages

In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new shows they explore the so-called love languages.  Learning what your languages are and those of your partner can make all the difference in your happiness and satisfaction in the relationship. For a full transcript of this episode, click here:66-The Love Languages

Fight or Flight

The two classic responses when couples argue–fight or flight.  It doesn’t have to be that way–but how can you avoid it? In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new shows, they talk about the reasons we respond in this way and how we can learn to exploit our instincts to achieve a better outcome.  For a full transcript, click here:LL42-Fight or Flight

Relationships and Social Media

As too many couples have learned, social media can be a tool for sharing or a weapon that will cause unending pain and drama in your life.  It’s all about how and when you use it.  In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new shows, they discuss the upsides and downsides of social media as they affect meaningful relationships–with your SO or anyone else. For a full transcript of this episode, click here:64-Relationships and Social Media

Getting What You Want

It doesn’t have to be a struggle–sometimes you can haver what you want and give the other person in your life what they want as well. In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new episodes, they discuss strategies for  negotiation in a relationship-for couples and in life.  For a complete transcript, click here:LL47-Getting What You Want