Blending families

An increasing issue for those who have been previously married is how and when to blend families in a new relationship. Such decisions should never be entered into lightly, they can be fraught with unforeseen challenges but the rewards can be extraordinary with a little bit of planning.  Alvean and Doug talk about how best to take on the challenge in ways that will lead to a happy and long lasting benefit for all.  A complete transcript of this episode can be found here: LL09

When one partner makes more

Sadly, money issues are a very common source of disagreement and strife in relationships.  In heterosexual partnerships it is often the case that when the female partner holds a higher position or earns more than the male this can be a particularly thorny issue to navigate.  Doug and Alvean talk about the inequities in relationships around money and the particular case of women earning more than men in this episode–a full transcript of which can be found here: LL08

Am I too picky?

If you’ve been alone for a while or haven’t found Miss or Mr. Right you might find yourself wondering if you are the problem.  Maybe you are just too picky?  Perhaps that’s true or maybe not but it isn’t always obvious whether you need to make some adjustments or simply carry on.  In this episode Alvean and Doug offer some litmus tests to help you find out whether your standards are keeping you from a richer relationship or you are in need of an attitude adjustment. For a full transcript, click here:LL07

Saying Goodbye

As the song says, breaking up is hard to do, but there are better and worse ways to part with someone and end a relationship.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about the psychological and emotional experience as well as offering some practical advice for how to say goodbye without leaving the other person feeling emotionally crippled or angered.  For a full transcript of the episode, click here:LL06

Am I Too Picky?

Some people never seem able to sustain a relationship and may wonder if they are simply too picky.  What does it mean to be picky–is it merely high standards or a form of self sabotage?  How do you recognize healthy forms of discernment from corrosive and judgmental behavior? For a transcript of this episode in which Doug and Alvean discuss the techniques for investigating our motives, click here: LL07