
There is an old saying that you cannot know another person until you have walked in their shoes.  It is another way of saying that empathy is the necessary first step in forming any kind of relationship, much less one that is loving. Alvean and Doug discuss the ways in which we as partners, parents and lovers must find and cultivate our expression of empathy.  For a full transcript, click here: LL19-Empathy is a Lost Virtue

The power of vulnerability

Much of the time men and women seek to protect themselves from unwanted pain and rejection by hardening their outer self.  We learn early that to remain vulnerable opens us to opportunities for many kinds of abuse, and yet to form any durable relationship at all, we must make that leap.  Alvean and Doug talk about the power that comes when we lose or fear of being vulnerable.  A complete transcript of the episode can be found here: LL18-Vulnerability

Wisdom found in pain

Alvean and Doug talk about the knowledge and wisdom that often accompanies a painful life experience.  As hard as it is to overcome difficult circumstances in the moment, over time they can often be seen as pivotal inflection points in our lives, The process one must go through to transform pain into something that is ultimately affirming and productive requires introspection and time.  For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL16

Getting Over Heartbreak

They say that breaking up can be the worst wound you will ever endure, leading to depression, recrimination, pain that is both emotional and physical.  Alvean and Doug discuss ways in which we can begin to heal ourselves and overcome the challenges of heartbreak in this episode.  For a complete transcript click here: LL14 

Can Love Survive Infidelity?

Doug & Alvean talk about the challenge of repairing a broken relationship when one or both partners prove unfaithful.  Surely one of the most devastating ruptures in any relationship –infidelity violates the trust between individuals that is at the heart of their bond and while it is not impossible to overcome the effects, doing so requires patience and forgiveness as well as transparency.  For a complete transcript of this episode, click here: LL12

Cross Culture Relationships

Developing and maintaining enduring relationships is hard. It is harder still when matters of racial, religious or cultural difference bring both familial and sometimes societal pressures to bear.  Alvean and Doug bring their unique perspectives to the discussion of cross cultural relationships in this episode.  For a complete transcript, click here:LL10