The Passive Aggressive Partner

She is suddenly cool and aloof.  When you ask what’s wrong she says nothing but you know that isn’t the case.  That is passive aggressive behavior.  He agrees to do something together but sulks all day–passive aggressive behavior is at work.  Alvean and Doug discuss how to recognize and deal with a partner when they are consciously or unconsciously displaying passive aggressive tendencies.  To learn more and for a full transcript of this episode, click here: 68-The Passive-Aggressive Partner


Jokingly it has been said that parenthood is the last of the unskilled occupations.  There is some truth to this.  How we learn to parent has a great deal to do with how we were parented and that may be for the good or bad. Parenting requires abundant patience, compassion and listening skills as well as some good model.  Find out more in this episode as Alvean and Doug talk about what makes for good parenting.  For a full transcript, click here: 65-Parenthood

Social Media and Relationships

For many people, social media is where they play out their relationship dynamics.  It is not usually a healthy outlet for what should remain a private and personal expression of feelings.  Alvaen and Doug discuss the dangers and pitfalls of social media and how it can be come a corrosive element–the third party in a relationship of two.  For a complete transcript of this episode, click here: 64-Relationships and Social Media

Moving in together

It’s a big step and one that is fraught with tests of your relationship.  Habits that may be endearing in small does can become irritating when they occur all the time–differences in needs and desires–ranging from simple things like personal habits, the need for entertainment or solitude, even what you want to eat or when to go to sleep can become points of contention.  Alvean and Doug talk about the considerations one should have in making the move to love and live together.  For more about this and a full transcript, click here:63-Moving In Together

The Love Languages

How we show our love has everything to do with the love languages we speak.  For some, the giving of gifts or time is their way of expressing love.  For others it is romantic gestures or physical closeness.  Learn what you love language is and how you and your partner can learn to recognize each other’s expressions of love even and especially when they may not be the same. For more information and a complete transcript of this episode, click here: 66-The Love Languages

Finding your ideal mate

We are told that we’ll know our ideal mate when we first meet them, but that is as often as not really what happens.  The deep bonds and lasting commitment between two people takes time and nurture to reach fulfillment .  The thunderclap of instant love is too often a chemical or romantic impulse .  How do you learn to tell the difference and more important, how can you learn to recognize those individuals that have the capacity to love and be loved fully?  Answers to these and other questions can be found in this episode.  For more, and a full transcript, click here: LL62-Your ideal mate

Are you a good friend?

It has been said that great relationships begin with great friendships. Whether those friendships advance to something more romantic or not–learning what it means to be a good friend is an important life lesson. Alvean and Doug discuss the hallmarks of friendship and how reciprocity and selflessness are characteristic of the committed partners.  For a complete transcript of this episode, click here: LL61-Are you a good friend?

What is true intimacy?

Alvean and Doug talk about what makes for true intimacy in a relationship.  For many people intimacy is code language for sex, but this is a very one dimensional view of something that encompasses a range of emotions and connections between people that can be entirely platonic or ragingly passionate.  For more about this episode a full transcript can be found here: LL60-What is Intimacy

What has true love taught you?

Is there such a thing as true love?  How do we recognize it and what are the lessons we can take from couples that have been so fortunate as to find someone they are committed to for life?  Alvean and Doug discuss these and other questions about the nature of love and commitment in this episode.  For a full transcript, click here:LL59-What has true love taught you?