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Across cultures

Realtionships can be hard enough without the challenges of navigating two different cultures.  They can also be fantastic and rewarding–but that requires emotional insight, tact, and patience to achieve.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug offer some thoughts on cross cultural relationships and how to cultivate the right frame of mind for the couple and their families and friends.  For more and a full transcript, click here: LL10

When she makes more

Money is a very common issue that can cause friction in a relationship.  While there are many different ways in which the subject can be fraught–in this episode Alvean and Doug explore the nuances when the traditional ‘breadwinner’ role is reversed and the woman earns more than the man.  For more and a full transcript, click here:LL08

Am I too picky?

Have you ever wondered if perhaps the reason you haven’t found mr or ms right has more to do with you than you think?  If so this episode is for you.  Alvean and Doug talk about ways some people sabotage themselves or create barriers that prevent them from building a loving relationship.  For more and a complete transcript, click here:  LL07

The Best Way to Say Goodbye

In this episode Alvean and Doug take on the subject of breakups.  There is no such thing as a good breakup but there are better ways to say goodbye.  Whether you are the one saying goodbye or receiving such news learn how to put your feelings in perspective and rise above the hurt.  For a full transcript click here: LL06

God’s Dating Service

Have you ever wondered if there is a special someone made just for you? Does God run a dating service or are we attracted to certain people based on subtle patters that inform our lives?  In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore the reality of finding a mate and the stories we tell ourselves about how and why.  For a full transcript, click here: LL05

Loving Relationships

The full title of this episode is Loving Relationships expand our hearts.  Nothing could be more true.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk from their hearts about their own experiences–how we can find a larger frame for our emotions and our care by building enduring relationships in life.  For a full transcript, click here:LL03

The Passive Aggressive Partner

Surely one of the most difficult traits to surmount is a passive/aggressive personality.  Relationships require trust and honest communication to flourish. A passive aggressive partner presents a difficult challenge because avoidance is coupled with trust violating aggression.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss this trait and offer insights as to how best to cope when your partner acts in a passive aggressive manner.  For a complete transcript, click here:68-The Passive-Aggressive Partner