Category Archives: Uncategorized

The wisdom found in pain

In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about the byproduct of painful experience; the wisdom that follows once we have processed the life lesson we are meant to learn.  Although we all wish to avoid pain–few are spared.  But there are ways to cope and to transform those emotions into something that will endure.  For mre, see the attached transcript: LL16

Getting Over Heartbreak

To love openly and honestly requires vulnerability creating the potential for heartbreak if a relationship founders.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about the grieving process that occurs when a relationship ends and talk about the ways in which one can use the experience to learn and grow stronger.  For more and a complete transcript, click here:LL14

Surviving Infidelity

It is one of the hardest trials to overcome, when someone with whom you are in relationship violates trust and cheats.  Can love survive this offense or is everything poisoned forever?  Alvean and Doug talk about the redemptive power of forgiveness and the steps one must take to find a way back to a loving, honest and abiding relationship. For a full transcript, click here: LL12

Cross Cultural Relationships

Whether it’s a difference of race, religion, nationality or any other cultural divide, relationships can get more interesting and sometimes more complicated when the partners come from different backgrounds.  Alvean and Doug talk about the hurdles and the ways in which they can be surmounted in this episode.  For more and a full transcript, click here: LL10

Blending Families

When children are involved relationships get more complicated and especially when those children are from a prior marriage.  How and when to blend two families is a critical question deserving of patience and tact–especially if there are exes involved who are birth parents.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug take on the many issues surrounding blended families and offer some counsel about how to approach it.  For more and a full transcript, click here: LL09

When the woman makes more

Many of us were raised in a traditional family structure and are used to the idea that the man in the family is the breadwinner. In today’s world that assumption can be a presumption as women take their rightful place in the working world and attain positions that compensate them at levels that may be more–even a good deal more than their partner.  In a perfect world that should not be an issue but it can result in some friction if it is not addressed early and both partners have a healthy sense of self esteem. In this episode Alvean and Doug explore the ways in which couples can navigate this arrangement successfully.  For more and a complete transcript click here: LL08