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The Art of Persuasion

Getting what you want without coercion, manipulation or worse is all about the art of persuasion.  Couples need to learn how to achieve their individual and mutual relationship goals in a manner that leaves them both satisfied.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss the persuasion rules and tools for negotiation that engender mutual respect and  win/win solutions.  For a full transcript, click here: LL37-The Art of Persuasion

Tune In or Tune Out

Listening is one of the most important skills in relationship building.  Really hearing what the other person has to say–rather than simply acknowledging with half attention is not only a courtesy it is a profound sign of engagement and investment.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about the art of tuning in to what others have to say and the downside of tuning out when you are into yourself or just not into what your SO has to say.  For a full transcript, click here: LL36-Listening-Tune in or Tune out

When Kids and Pets Are In the Way

We love them both but sometimes kids or pets become an issue in a relationship.  Navigating the sensitivities that attach to our children and pets can be extremely trying.  Fortunately, Alvean and Doug have some counsel for ways to skillfully avoid contention and ensure you are all on the same page.  For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL35-When Kids or Pets are in the way

Why Couples Quarrel

In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore the reasons that people in relationships quarrel.  It may not be too serious, or it can be a sign of underlying issues that need to be resolved, and soon.  To find out which and ways to resolve differences in a healthy and loving manner you can listen and read the attached transcript: LL29-Why Do Couples Quarrel?

Can Love Heal?

People can die of a broken heart, it isn’t just an old wives tale.  We all know that breaking up with someone you care for hurts–sometimes irreparably.  In the same way, though, deep and abiding love has the power to heal–not just emotional wounds. Alvean and Doug talk about their experience and research on the power that relationships have in promoting health, longevity and in healing real ailments.  Fot a complete transcript, click here: LL28-Can Love Heal?