Category Archives: Uncategorized

Social Media

Social Media is omnipresent in our lives and while it can help us maintain our involvement with friends and famil, it can also be a toxic wasteland spreading mis information and echoing unhealthy views or outright propaganda.  In this episode Alvean and Doug talk about the ways social media bear on relationships and how to make the best use of the medium without undue influence or harm.  Fir a complete transcript of this episode, click here: 64-Relationships and Social Media

Loving Relationships

Healthy and authentic relationships have a very special quality, they actually expand our capacity to feel and express love–not only to our beloved but to our circle of friends and family as well.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss this in concrete terms with examples drawn from their experience.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL03

Love Languages

Perhaps you heard that everyone has different ways of expressing their love, some through acts others through gifts, some through verbal expression and so on.   In this episode Alvean and Doug discuss the various love languages and how couples can learn to understand and accept the expressions of their partner, especially when they may not speak the same language. For more and a full transcript. click here: 66-The Love Languages

Are you an enabler?

Sometimes we want so much to do everything possible for our loved ones that we end up serving their best interest poorly.  In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about enabling and how you can identify whether or not you may be an enabler wiothout realizing it.  For a full transcript, click here: 67-Are you an Enabler?

What does true love teach us?

It has been said that life is a poor teacher because it first tests us then gives the lesson.  What are the lessons life has taught us about true love?  In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss their own lessons and those that listeners have shared.  For a complete transcript, click here: LL59-What has true love taught you?

Is there a use by date for marriage?

Can relationships grow stale and wither on the emotional vine? In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about the ways in which feelings can change–sometimes growing diminished and how one can alter that course and breathe fresh life into a relationship. For a full transcript, click here: LL58-Is there a use by date….