Monthly Archives: September 2019

Getting What You Want

It doesn’t have to be a struggle–sometimes you can haver what you want and give the other person in your life what they want as well. In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new episodes, they discuss strategies for  negotiation in a relationship-for couples and in life.  For a complete transcript, click here:LL47-Getting What You Want

Breaking Up-repeat

In this repeat episode while Alvean and Doug are recording new episodes, we reflect on the ways in which couples can navigate one of the most devastating things they may ever do–ending a relationship.  While it can be an opportunity for personal growth–how you handle it will make all the difference.  For a full transcript of this episode, click here: LL51-Breaking Up

The passive aggressive partner

One of the hardest challenges for any relationship is when one or the other partner exhibits passive aggressive behavior.  Doug and Alvean talk about how to recognize this behavior and what to do to avoid being manipulated.  They offer some strategies for coping and achieving resolution of the underlying issues as well. For a transcript of the full episode, click here: 68-The Passive-Aggressive Partner

Are you an enabler?

Doug and Alvean talk about the ways in which we may be enabling hurtful or even harmful behavior with those we are in relationship. They offer some ways to help listeners understand whether they are enabling and strategies to avoid conflict while avoiding the trap of perpetuating behaviors that fail to bring out the best in our partners. For a full transcript of this episode, click here:67-Are you an Enabler?